Tree: scruggshovis
Latitude: 45.7833, Longitude: -108.5007Tree: morisonwurzer
Latitude: 45.7833, Longitude: -108.5007Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | DEDMAN-RINGHEIM, Mary Ann | 10 Jun 1924 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I980 | morisonwurzer |
Matches 1 to 12 of 12
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | DUNN, Phyllis Marie | 29 Mar 2011 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I932 | morisonwurzer |
2 | FASCHING, Albert Joseph | 21 Oct 2002 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I916 | morisonwurzer |
3 | FASCHING, Marlene Ann | 10 Oct 2019 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I940 | morisonwurzer |
4 | MOGEN, Robert Everet | 22 Nov 1994 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I971 | morisonwurzer |
5 | NISTLER, Jill Marie | 3 Jul 1965 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I938 | morisonwurzer |
6 | NISTLER, Rita Fay | 29 Mar 2011 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I928 | morisonwurzer |
7 | NISTLER, Ronald Louis | 11 Oct 2003 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I927 | morisonwurzer |
8 | SHERMAN, Adam Edward | 24 May 1976 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I965 | morisonwurzer |
9 | SHERMAN, James Clemence | 12 Mar 1975 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I967 | morisonwurzer |
10 | STANCHFIELD, Marie Agnes | 12 Mar 2001 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I934 | morisonwurzer |
11 | VANDUSEN, Eugene Alton | 3 May 1990 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I936 | morisonwurzer |
12 | WOSEPKA, Marion Elizabeth | 24 Jul 2005 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | I939 | morisonwurzer |
Matches 1 to 2 of 2
Family | Marriage | Family ID | Tree | ||
1 | ANDERSON / SCRUGGS | 22 May 1953 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | F458 | scruggshovis |
2 | HOVIS / RICH | 15 Feb 1930 | Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA | F306 | scruggshovis |