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- From Ancestry, Henderson Family Tree, her name is Marjorie and she married Lewis Martin Henderson (1921-1997). They are in the same grave (see findagrave) with dates Feb.3, 1919 to April 20, 2011. Burial (for both) is in Santa Rosa Memorial Park in Sanata, Sonoma Co., California, Plot: Vets Lawn 2513-3A. They had 3 children. Is this the right Marjorie? There is a marriage certificate which indicates that Marjorie was married to Robert Milton Jeffries in California and they have 2 children in 1940: Babie/Bobie, age3 and Bill, age2, living in Tennessee. Death information comes from Henderson Family Tree. So, was she married to Jeffries from 1936 till at least 1942 and then married to Lewis Martin Henderson after 1942? No data to confirm this. Lewis died in 1977. Then, there is information that Marjorie Lowanda Scruggs Jeffries married Hersel Loyed Donaldson in 1979 and then divorced him in 1980 (less than 1 year later). If this is the right order of the marriages, then she returned to her Henderson name after the divorce from Donaldson.
CENSUS 1920: Marguarite Scruggs, 11 months, b in Oklahoma, living with parents: Walter42/Violet22 Scruggs. location: Mounds Township, Creek County, Oklahoma
MARRIAGE 1936: Marjorie Lowanda Scruggs married Robert Milton Jeffries on Feb. 15, 1936 in San Benito, California. (California, County Marriages)
CENSUS 1940: on Marjorie Jeffries, 21, b. in Oklahoma, eduation: grade8, living with husband:Robert29 and two children: Babie3/Bill2 Jeffries. location: Louisville, Bount County, Tennessee
HISTORY 1942: on Robert and Marjorie Jeffries with 2 children listed on TVA land relocation document.
(Note: Robert Milton Jeffries marries again in 1944 so he and Marjorie must have divorced by then. She remarries after 1944, to Lewis Martin Henderson (no documentation found to date. Then Martin Henderson dies in 1977.)
Note: the second marriage, to Lewis Martin Henderson is documented in Ancestry Family Trees. No source for this was found. But GenealogyBank Obituaries list Marjorie Henderson as a sister to Walter and Joseph Scruggs.
MARRIAGE 1979: on Marjorie L Henderson (Scruggs) married Hurcel L Donaldson in Mendocina, California. Less than a year later, they divorce on January 25, 1980.
BURIAL 2011: on Marjorie L. Henderson died April 20, 2011 and is buried in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, wife of Lewis Martin Henderson, her second husband. Buried in Santa Rosa Memorial Park, Santa Rose, Sonoma County, Califronia, Plot: Veterans Lawn, Grave 2513-3B-DD. FIndagarve Memorial# 141624764
the rest here was found on Ancestry in Family Trees (May 24, 2017).
2019: DNA matches to two daughters of Marjorie and Lewis Henderson; not clear yet which of the daughters these are; Possibly Lois and Charlotte. They would be 2C to me. They are Lois Heaney (175 cMs) and MenigC (171 cMs).
HJ is a DNA match (109 cMs). His tree is "Jeffries Family Tree" on ancestry but it is not certain how the connection is, through whom.
CHILDREN: mentioned in GenealogyBank obituaries: Jean (Gary) Lewis, Lois Heaney (Dan Moffmann), Charlotte (Carlie) Anderson. There may also be a son: Lew Henderson, Jr.
- between 1940 and 1944, Marjorie and Robert separate/divorce. Marjorie remarries.
- 1944 Robert marries again -- Elizabeth Vineyard (Tennessee State Marriages 1780-2002) on Jan.27, 1944 in Loudon, Tennessee.