Matches 2,351 to 2,400 of 2,518
# | Notes | Linked to |
2351 | Oct.7, 1832 is "christening date" | MCGILLIVRAY, Henrietta (I58)
2352 | On 1871 census, Elizabeth's name is interpreted as "Elezabet" and her birth year as 1819. But she was born in 1836, so she was not 52 in 1871 as the census says. The 1901 census lists her as "Lizzie". | YOUNGSON, Elizabeth (I659)
2353 | On 1905 census, enumerator wrote 'Josie' as his name. | SCRUGGS, Joseph Murphy II (I1)
2354 | On Family Tree on Ancestry states that Register was born March 15, 1858 in Ogden, Riley, Kansas. | EMORY, Register (I305)
2355 | On the 1910 census, Virginia's name is "Flynn" and she states she is widowed. | OWENS, Virginia L (I1350)
2356 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1250)
2357 | On the baptismal record, his name is Georg Leonhard Nagler. His parents were Joseph Nagler and Maria Dorothea. | NOGLER, Georg Leonard (I867)
2358 | On the birth and marriage records, Alta's parents are listed as Christian Foster and Mollie Henline; these two have not been added to this database. On the 1910 census, Alta Naylor states that she has had 4 children, 3 of whom are living. Several more were born later. | FOSTER, Alta (I645)
2359 | On the censuses (1860, 1870, 1880), Horace's wife's name is Elizabeth A Bradley. b July 5, 1826, d July3, 1876: they had 3 children: VirginiaB. (b 1853), Fannie (b 1859), JamesB.(b 1861). | BRADLEY, Elizabeth A (I550)
2360 | One Ancestry Family Tree states that her birth date is Sept.22, 1837. | SCRUGGS, Emma West (I195)
2361 | or Tupperville, Ontario | WICKENS, Charlton Gibb (I1021)
2362 | Other children include George GIllanders, born 1845, cites on 1851, 1861 and 1871 Canada censuses and Thomas Gillanders, born 1848 in Upper Canada, Carleton County, cited on 1851 and 1871 Canada censuses. | GILLANDERS, George (I151)
2363 | Other documents list his occupation as - farmer [WWI draft registration card] - carpenter [City Directories 1934-1940] | SCRUGGS, Walter Blackburn (I8)
2364 | Other occupations listed for Lawrence: WWI draft registration - engineer oil field superintendent - 1920 driller - Border Crossing 1926 yard foreman, refinery - 1940 | SCRUGGS, Lawrence Barnard (I10)
2365 | p.291 of 526. | BUFORD, Judith (I199)
2366 | PARENTS: on Kentucky deaths and Burials, 1843-1970, lists Amanda's parents as Ed Harlow and Sarah Beckley. MARRIAGE 1869: on (Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979). Amanda Harlow married Marcellus Scruggs on Aug. 18, 1869 in Owen Kentucky. CENSUS 1870: on Amanda, 18, b in Kenucky, living with his wife18 and his father64. location: Bethlehem Precinct Subdivision 63, Henry(?) County, Kentucky CENSUS 1880: on Amanda, 29, b. in Kentucky, occupation: keeping house, living with Marcellus and 3 sons: Flournoy 9, Leslie 7, Edbert 2. location: Christiansburg, Shelby, Kentucky CENSUS 1900: on Amanda Scrubbs[sic], 49, b in Kentucky, married 30 years, mother of 4 children/4 still living, living with husband49 and 3 children: Flournary27, Edvert22, Marcellus17. location: Christianburg, Shelby, Kansas. CENSUS 1910: on Amanda J., 59, b. in Kentucky, married 40 years, mother of 6 children/4 still living, living with husband + 2 sons Floyed39 farmer and E.B.29 farmer and 3 grandchildren Ethel13,Jesse M 11,Pryor9. location: Christiansburg, Shelby, Kentucky CENSUS 1920: on Manda, 69, b in Kentucky, widow, living with 2 sons: Floyd48 and Bert41, and granddaughter Ethel24. location: Christiansburg Precinct, Shelby County, Kentucky CENSUS 1930: on Amanda, 79, b in Kentucky, widow, living with 2 sons: Flunoy[sic] 68 [should be 58] and Edbirt56. location: Christiansburg, Shelby, Kentucky. (Note: census says that Edbirt Scruggs is a "boarder", but Edbert is the name of her son.) CENSUS 1940: on Amanda, 89, b in Kentucky, widow, living with 2 sons: Floyd69, Bert62. location: Mag Dist#5 (Christiansburg, Shelby, Kentucky) BURIAL 1947: Amanda, d. February 14, 1947. Buried in Dutch Tract Cemetery, North Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky. Findagrave Memorial# 90747464 | HARLOW, Amanda (I441)
2367 | Pearl was working for Royalite in Turner Valley when she met Reg. | MORISON, Pearl Kathleen (I28)
2368 | Pedigree File on says she was born Sept.2, 1891 in Evergreen Twnshp, Langlade County, Wis. | JUETTEN, Emma Anna (I298)
2369 | Pedigree Files says they were married on 18 May 1912. | Family: Benjamin C PRYOR / Mary C. WURZER (F243)
2370 | Pennsylvania Deaths says she was born in 1893. Findagrave and other sources indicate 1891. | EURY, Maude Ella (I1793)
2371 | Pennsylvania, Death Certificates says that David's birth date is 28 Oct 1838. | FRITZ, David (I647)
2372 | Plot 7, Section 8, Lot 4 | ANDREWS, William (I660)
2373 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I173)
2374 | Records of her death and marriages list her birth date as 1860 or 1861. But she was 5 on the 1860 census. | MURPHY, Blanche (I408)
2375 | Research note: A family tree on says she was born in 1767. Another family tree on has birthdate as 1776; that would make her just 11-12 when she got married. (jan19,2016, ts) HISTORY: (Dunklin. p. 42) THOMAS SCRUGGS (reference I.4.3.3), "second son of Thomas Scruggs ... married March 1, 1787 (by the Rev. Jeremiah Hatcher), Judith Buford, the daughter of Captain James Buford and Elizabeth Bramlett, and a sister of Elizabeth Buford, who had married William Scruggs." MARRIAGE 1787: on Virginia, Marriages 1785-1940. Thomas Scruggs married Judith Buford in 1787 in Virginia. Note: One Ancestry Family Tree (Marc Taylor Family Tree, accessed March 29, 2020) says she died in 1854. It references "Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1965", Film 994054, 526 pages. It is not indexed, but it says the following: - a female Scruggs, a widow, 88 years old, b in Virginia, residing in Scott Co, KY, daughter of xx & Eliza Buford, died in Scott County, Ky possibly on Dec. 26?, cause of Death - apoplexy. Although it does not name this person, the stats fit Judith Scruggs, née Buford. p. 291. (The deaths in Scott County in 1854 are on pages 289-294.) | BUFORD, Judith (I199)
2376 | Rick graduated from Alberta Bible College in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1975 with a BRE | SCRUGGS, Richard Don (I22)
2377 | Robert Jeffries is the first husband for Marjorie/Marguerite Scruggs. MARRIAGE 1936: Robert Milton Jeffries, married Marjorie Lowanda Scruggs Feb. 15, 1936 in San Benito, California (California County Marriages) CENSUS 1940: on Robert Jeffries, 29, b. in Tennessee, occupation, living with wife:Marjorie:21 and two children: : labor sawmill. location: Louisville, Blount County, Tennessee HISTORY 1942: on Robert and Marjorie Jeffries with 2 children listed on TVA land relocation document. HISTORY 1944: Family Trees record a second marriage to Elizabeth Vineyard on Jan.27, 1944 in Loudon, Tennessee. BURIAL 1952: findagravecom. Robert Melton Jeffires dies June 12, 1952. Buried in Middlesettlements Cemetery, Middle Settement, Blount County, Tennessee. Findagrave Memorial# 100391739 See also Famly Trees on | JEFFRIES, Robert Melton (I379)
2378 | Ruby's parents are likely Everett Stone and Ella M Stone, with brother Jesse E Stone (1910, 1920, 1930 censuses) but these people are not in this database at this time. | STONE, Ruby Marie (I981)
2379 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I41)
2380 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I245)
2381 | Samuel and Elizabeth Naylor may have had 17 children. CENSUS 1850: Samuel, 55, b in Pennsylvania, living with wifeEliza52 and children: Jacob24, Rebecca19, Sarah16, John13, WIlliam11, Henry7 Nailor. Location: Guilford, Median County, Ohio. CENSUS 1860: Sam'l Nailor, 64, b in Pennsylvania, living with wife#2 Harriette45 and children: Flora Shelden13, DeliaP6, J.H.3 and Elsie Betts15. Location: Westfield Twp, MedinaCo, Ohio. The list of "children" is assumed. The census does not say they are children of Samuel and Harriet or of Samuel and his first wife. Harriet's former name was Shelden, so perhaps Flora was her child from a previous marriage. STORY from Accessed May 23, 2019: Story of Samuel Nailor aka Nailer/Naylor Samuel NAILER was born 5 July 1796 in York County Pennsylvania. He was Christened 5 August 1796 at York County, Pennsylvania; died 1861 in Guilford Township and buried at Acme Cemetery, Guilford, Medina County, Ohio. Samuel moved to Cumberland County and lived there, married and had the first 4 children. Samuel grew up on a farm and for several years of his youth spent much of his time in hauling whiskey from his father’s and other distilleries to Baltimore where the principal market was for their product. It took six horses to haul a load of thirty barrels of whiskey over the mountain highways. He married 14 March 1820, Elizabeth UHLER, a native of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania recorded in 1st Evangelical Lutheran Church at Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania (possible daughter of one Detrick UHLER also living in Cumberland County and on the census with George Nailer Jr.) They lived for a time on a small farm there, renting the farm until the fall of 1829 they set out in a covered two- horsed wagon for Ohio. It took them two weeks to make the journey. Samuel had previously bought land in Guilford Township of Medina County. This land was part of an immense tract of area ... The entire story was not available onlline on the 23rd. So, I got the following on the 24th. The first part is about Samuel Jr. Samuel Naylor 1823-1909 • LHHS-3XW​​ was tagged in a story Samuel Naylor of Lorain County Ohio He became one of the biggest land owners in Penfield, was of old Pennsylvania Stock and was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania 27 February 1823 and was 85 years of age when called home to rest. His grandfather, Jacob Nailor was a farmer and distiller of whiskey when that was a principal industry in Pennsylvania. Samuel's father Samuel Naylor Sr was born in York, Pennsylvania and grew up on a farm. For several years he spent much of his time hauling whiskey from his father's and other distilleries to Baltimore. It took 6 horses to haul one load of 50 barrels over the mountainous roadways. He was married in Cumberland County to Elizabeth Uhler, a native of that county and of German descent. After they were married they rented land for a while. They had 4 children while in Cumberland, Pennsylvania; Mary, Samuel, Benjamin K, Jacob and Rebecca and then had a daughter Eliza, at Lancaster County, PA before they went west. In Medina County, Ohio they had four more children: John, William, Sarah and Henry. The mother of these children died on a farm in Medina County, and Samuel removed to Seville, buying a small farm in the village. He married second Harriet Sheldon, by whom there was one child, Harriet. He died at age 73, was a whig and abolitionist. He had traveled in the South and was convinced that the practice of slavery would never be decided except by war. Samuel Naylor Jr was about six years old when the family moved to Guilford, Medina County, Ohio. He helped clear his father's land and besides working at home, he hired out to others and became a skillful shingle maker. In 1845 he was married to Barbara Long, born September 1824 in Toronto, Canada, a daughter of John Long who settled in Medina County. After his marriage they lived in Litchfield and then moved to Penfield in Lorain County, OH where he bought 1007 acres of wild land for 6 dollars an acre. He had to cut through the woods to get to it. He had it paid for in a few years and converted it into a fertile farm. Samuel by his first wife had the following children:Jacob, Henry, Elizabeth, Rebecca and Harriet A, Laney E, Emma, Mary, Harvey G and Dora. The mother died in January 1874. He then married Nancy E Yocum, who died in 1882 without having children. By 1894 he married Sarah Elizabeth Arbaugh and had two sons Charle William and Samuel Hobart Naylor. She survived and resided at Wellington. Samuel acquired a large estate of 400 acres and erected a fine country home there. He was a successful business man but a leader in educational matters and donated some land for the building of a district school. He was active in the United Brethren church. You will find the whole story in: A STANDARD HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO, by George Frederick wright published by The Lewis Publishing Company, digitized by Google. page 964 History of Lorain County. | NAYLOR, Samuel (I894)
2382 | SAR membership application lists his birth date as 1760 and death as 1828. | SCRUGGS, Thomas (I198)
2383 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I75)
2384 | Second marriage was with Jacqueline Massingill (1913-200); they were married c.1945. (information from Schmitz-Baker Family Tree in | UNKNOWN-WOODS, Jacqueline (I295)
2385 | See Dunklin, p.24; Elizabeth was the wife of Henry, ref. I.1. Dunklin (p. 24, 30) says that Henry and Elizabeth Scruggs had 6 children; these are not listed in this database: Davis1715, Henry1722, James1723-4, Samuel1726, Elizabeth1729, Julius1736. A possible 7th child John 'the elder' 1738, was added to that manuscript later "based on research by the Scruggs Association". | UNKNOWN-SCRUGGS, Elizabeth (I285)
2386 | See Morse Family Tree on | MORISON, James (I695)
2387 | separated in 1993; unsure if actually divorced. | KAPPEL, Junita (I302)
2388 | Served in the Korean War, PPCLI, King's Own Calgary Regiment, as a Lt-Colonel. | LADAN, Joseph Patrick (I43)
2389 | Several immigration records on hand for all members of the family (Ulric, Judith, Mary) for several years between 1924-1930. (Sources: United States Passport Applications. New York Passenger Arrival Lists, and Louisiana, New Orlenas Passenger Lists) | CALVERT, Judith M (I1334)
2390 | Several immigration records on hand for all members of the family (Ulric, Judith, Mary) for several years between 1924-1930. (Sources: United States Passport Applications. New York Passenger Arrival Lists, and Louisiana, New Orlenas Passenger Lists) | WILEY, Ulric Weir (I1335)
2391 | Several immigration records on hand for all members of the family (Ulric, Judith, Mary) for several years between 1924-1930. (Sources: United States Passport Applications. New York Passenger Arrival Lists, and Louisiana, New Orlenas Passenger Lists) | WILEY, Mary (I1336)
2392 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I404)
2393 | She is survived by her daughter, Joan (Ken) Benjamin; sons, Steve (Janna), David (Louise), and Chuck (Suzy) Trombold; 17 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren. Memorial Service is scheduled for 1:00 P.M., Thursday, January 25, 2018 at First Presbyterian Church. A memorial has been established with: Samaritan’s Purse, P.O. Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607 (data from | KAUFMAN, Charlotte Elizabeth (I1196)
2394 | She taught for four years in Minnewauken, North Dakota, USA. After her marriage to Wayne Hokenson of Hettinger, he was transferred from Devils Lake to Bismark, ND. | FLASCH, Barbara (I239)
2395 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I404)
2396 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I260)
2397 | Sheri Speakman is a DNA match (138 cMs). She is the daughter of Larry Allen Scruggs, granddaughter of Walter Bernard Scruggs and Mildred Asbury. | SCRUGGS, Sherry (I1808)
2398 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I260)
2399 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1608)
2400 | Simeon was the 6th son listed in Dunklin (p. 42-43); there were also 3 daughters. Birth dates given for only first 2 sons. | SCRUGGS, Simeon (I107)